Planning for a green future: How we can synergistically mitigate climate change and biodiversity loss

“Green future”, “Green initiatives”, “Green energy” All references to the color green are impossible to avoid if we want to preserve or improve the environment. It is clear that “going green” is in, but which shade of green should we look at? There is the ‘bright electric green’, commonly posed on renewable energy advertisements and …

The importance of being Earnest – The case of climate change

In Oscar Wilde’s comedy “The Importance of Being Earnest”, Cecily and Gwendolen want to marry a man named Ernest simply because of the name’s connotations. They are so fixated on the name that they would not consider marrying a man who was not named Ernest. The name, sounding like “earnest”, shows uprightness, inspires “absolute confidence”, …

The Easter bunny’s origins are linked with climate change

The Easter Bunny apparently originated in German Lutherans’ traditions before 1682 when it was first mentioned in von Franckenau’s De ovis paschalibus. In France and Belgium however, it’s not a rabbit that hides eggs in the garden for Easter morning but flying bells coming back from Rome (they went there for their holidays since the …

The 2024 TCD Botany-Zoology Symposium – a Roaring Success!

The TCD Botany-Zoology Postgraduate Symposium made its annual return this month on the 7th and 8th of March for its 13th edition. This is a time when postgraduates and research assistants from the departments in the School of Natural Sciences could showcase their work and gain valuable experience presenting to peers. There was a diverse …

Fancy a listen? The podcasts our researchers are listening to: Part 2

We’re back with the last instalment of our two-part series showcasing the wonderful world of science podcasts. If the below list isn’t enough for you, don’t forget to check out Part 1 if you missed it! General Science This one is pretty self-explanatory! If you want to widen your knowledge of science to new topics, …

Hidden legacies: what do colonialism and natural sciences have to do with each other?

by Midori Yajima How unlikely it is to think that many people who decided to dedicate themselves to a natural sciences-related field wondered at least once about the life of an eighteenth-century naturalist? Picture Alexander von Humboldt, Charles Darwin or Joseph Banks expeditions, or René Malaise and Gustav Eisen‘s impressive efforts in gathering human specimens …

The Annual TCD Botany-Zoology Postgrad Symposium comes back with a bang!

After a hiatus during which the Symposium had to move online, the annual TCD Botany-Zoology Postgrad Symposium finally made it’s return to an in-person format at the start of June 2022 for its 11th edition. It was a great opportunity to for the departments of Botany and Zoology to come together and hear about the …