Fancy a listen? The podcasts our researchers are listening to: Part 2

We’re back with the last instalment of our two-part series showcasing the wonderful world of science podcasts. If the below list isn’t enough for you, don’t forget to check out Part 1 if you missed it!

General Science

This one is pretty self-explanatory! If you want to widen your knowledge of science to new topics, whether to argue with your uncle at Christmas dinner or to ace those pub quizzes you go to every week with your mates, these podcasts are for you!

  • The Science Hour  is a podcast by the BBC World service and is filled with recent science news as well as segments that explore topics asked by listeners that are then dissected by the team. This is a great one for keeping on top of scientific news around the world, but also feels more like a radio show than a podcast. Perfect for long drives or times when you might want something a bit more formal and easy to listen to. 
  • Eons: Mysteries of Deep Time – This podcast is produced by PBS as a compliment to their popular Youtube series “PBS Eons” and delves into everything palaeontology and deep-time. From the history of famous fossils, to questions like “what was the first dinosaur?”. This podcast has only recently started up but is well made with beautiful and immersive audioscapes and is ideal for dinosaur kids who never grew up and those of us who marvel at the sheer breadth of geological time and how we can peer back through it via some old, dusty chunks of rock.
  • Unexplainable is a science show about everything we don’t know. Host Noam Hassenfeld is joined by an array of experts and Vox reporters each week to look at the most fascinating unanswered questions in science and the mind-bending ways scientists are trying to answer them. 

  • Rethink talks – From pandemics to production supply chains: how do we make sense of the complex world we live in? Every month, Rethink Talks brings together the best thinkers and practitioners within resilience thinking and sustainability science, to discuss how we can achieve a sustainable planet that enables well-being for all, and provides you with the latest science on global development.
  • Further Research needed – A podcast on science from scientists where they ask those seemingly straight forward questions that don’t have such straight forward answers. Each episode takes a tongue in cheek look at current research and research practises whilst lifting the veil on what is scientific truth. 
  • This Week in Virology is a weekly netcast about viruses – the kind that make you sick. Professors Vincent Racaniello, Dickson Despommier, Rich Condit, Kathy Spindler and science writer Alan Dove and guests deconstruct viruses, how they cause illness, and dissect the latest research.

Climate crisis, climate justice and climate solutions 

The climate crisis is scary and overwhelming, but it need not be hopeless! Here are a few podcasts that have left us feeling motivated and engaged in the search for solutions and understanding of the biggest challenge our planet faces today.

  • Outrage + Optimism – Face the climate crisis head on, but understand that we have the power to solve this. From former UN Chief Christiana Figueres and the team who brought you the Paris Agreement, this podcast about issues and politics will inform you, inspire you and help you realise that this is the most exciting time in history to be alive.
  • Hot Take is a holistic, irreverent, honest look at the climate crisis and all the ways media and society are talking—and not talking—about it. Hosted by real-life friends Mary Annaïse Heglar and Amy Westervelt—an essayist and a journalist— Hot Take offers a unique perspective on the issue of climate change.

  • How to Save The Planet This podcast series by Friends of the Earth brings you inspiring stories from the frontlines of the climate movement, frank discussion of the issues and solutions at play and takes a look at how anyone can have an impact.
  • A Matter of Degrees – Join Dr. Leah Stokes and Dr. Katharine Wilkinson as they tell stories about the powerful forces behind climate change — and the tools we have to fix it. This show is for the climate curious people who know climate change is a problem, but are trying to figure out how to tackle it.

People in Science

Science isn’t just diverse in the topics in covers but also in the people who study them. Here are some podcasts that aim to increase representation and visibility of all scientists or help you find the right career in science.

  • Sidenote by AsapSCIENCE – From their Youtube channel with 10 Million+ subscribers, each week Greg and Mitch discuss a different science topic and give fun facts they learned while researching for their Youtube videos. Filled with tangents and anecdotes and interspersed with queer references and commentary on the what its like to be a queer person in STEM and Science communication, this casual podcast is great for winding down and relaxing while also geeking out about science in an LGBTQ+ friendly space.
  • Working Scientist is the Nature Careers podcast and is a regular show featuring advice and information from global industry experts with a strong focus on supporting early career researchers working in academia and other sectors.


These podcasts are for those who want to learn more about the wonderful world of animals. Fill your brain with facts from land and sea creatures, big and small.

  • This Podcast Will Kill You – Erin Welsh and Erin Allmann Updyke are disease ecologists and epidemiologists that host this podcast. Each episode they feature a disease or illness, cover its history, biology, and current status. They provide an insight into the complex placement of disease within our ecosystems and why “One Health” approaches that intersect our often overlapping social, economical, and ecological interests can provide for better health outcomes. From the history of vaccines, antibiotic resistance, complex parasite life-cycles, virus evolution, and historical outbreaks that changed the course of human history, this podcast gives a good all rounded view of the role disease plays in the story of life on earth.
  • The Whole Tooth – Hosted by Dr Isla Hodgson, every episode takes a deep dive into a question sent in by a listener with the help of shark scientists and conservationists from all over the world. How do sharks take naps? Why do sharks glow in the dark? Can great whites REALLY smell blood from miles away? How do I become a marine scientist? This podcast is on a mission to communicate facts, debunk myths, and give you the tooth – and nothing but the truth! – on sharks, rays and everything ocean.


  • On the Ledge – Jane Perrone hosts this House plant podcast, and her dulcet tones are perfect for those stressed out because their ficus is dropping its leaves or their peace lily is wilting. While still very accessible, Jane will dip her toes into the plant science behind our favourite house plants, as well as troubleshoot issues from listeners, and interview various plant influencers, botanic garden curators, and plant society presidents. This is a great podcast for those who would like to green their life but feel intimidated by the jungles they see on instagram.
  • Plant Daddy Podcast – Stephen and Matthew get together to highlight a houseplant, discuss a plant trend, or interview experts on anything and everything related to keeping houseplants. With great attention to detail and accuracy, and highlighting niche plants that may often be overlooked, this podcast is great for those who might already have a bit of experience with keeping a few plants and are ready to delve a little deeper. With each host having their own style and preference for plant care, it is a great listen for those who want to branch out a little and find some cool new planty recommendations!
  • Completely Arbortrary – Every week on this slightly rambly podcast, two friends chat about a different tree species and what makes it interesting or special. With one host tree-obsessed, and the other coming in without much tree knowledge, this podcast is great for anyone interested in learning more about trees in a fun and casual fashion!

The world is full of really great and educational podcasts, this is by no means a complete list but hopefully you’ll find something you enjoy! Think we’re missing an unmissable podcast or want to let us know what you thought of our recommendations? Drop us a comment on social media! What recommendations would you like to get next?

Thanks again to 4th Year Zoology PhD student Jenny Bortoluzzi & 2nd Year Zoology PhD student Simon Benson for putting this list together!

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